Monday, February 23, 2009

Mom's Peach Tree Planting

Planted a peach tree at Mom and Jack's cabin for her 60th birthday. Happy birthday, Mom!

I chose a Redhaven variety, which requires 950 chilling hours.
The NC extension office recommends varieties that require over 700 chilling hours because of common late freezes in the area.

I amended the soil with mushroom compost and 20-20-20 slow-release starter fertilizer.

I hope it produces many delicious peaches for years to come!


Paddy said...

What a great setting for planting the peach tree!
You will be back for the first crop, no doubt...

Emma said...

Yes, it's a great setting. It should be beautiful for years to come.

Ciara Brehony said...

Happy Birthday to Janet!

Wow, imagine being able to grow peaches! I am so envious!

The Dirt Dude said...

You might be able to grow peaches in Ireland... Here's some info about growing them in the UK:

Be sure to get a variety that is adapted to you area, i.e., one that requires enough chilling hours. You don't get hard freezes, so you should theoretically be able to find something. I've heard about people growing peach trees in Wisconsin:

whisperingpines said...

The pressure is on to produce some NC peaches!!! Love the pictures!