Monday, March 11, 2013

CA trials and no-till equipment

Meet Rachael Cox. She coordinates MasAgro experiments for CIMMYT. She showed me the conservation agriculture (CA) trials here at the El Batán station.  These are long-term CA trials.

They's also developed a two-wheel tractor for no-till. I've seen these all over Asia, but they they are very expensive here because of the shipping from China.

They've designed a lot of equipment, and you can download the drawings here:

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Empleo nuevo con CIMMYT

After 3 years with the SANREM CRSP at Virginia Tech, in which I did very little actual agronomy, I have a new job - my dream job!

Tomorrow I will begin my new position as Cropping Systems Agronomist with the Conservation Agriculture group at CIMMYT in Mexico.

CIMMYT is a Spanish acronym which stands for the International Center for the Improvement of Maize and Wheat. They are THE cream of the crop when it comes to development of agronomic systems in the developing world.

Twin-row wheat trials outside the window of my apartment at CIMMYT.