Monday, February 23, 2009

Mom's Peach Tree Planting

Planted a peach tree at Mom and Jack's cabin for her 60th birthday. Happy birthday, Mom!

I chose a Redhaven variety, which requires 950 chilling hours.
The NC extension office recommends varieties that require over 700 chilling hours because of common late freezes in the area.

I amended the soil with mushroom compost and 20-20-20 slow-release starter fertilizer.

I hope it produces many delicious peaches for years to come!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

600 Seedlings

Actually, only 544 in the flats above:
65 super sweet chen basil
135 opal (purple) basil
96 genovese basil
8 arugula
8 slicing tomatoes
8 king of the north bell peppers
8 cherry tomatoes
70 bolivian rainbow peppers
40 hidalgo chilis
50 sunrise orange bell peppers
40 italian flat leaf parsley

Me and my arugula, onions, and garlic.

A closer shot of my garlic patch.
I interseeded with Nantes coreless carrots today.

Onions, which i started from seed probably last September. They take forever.
These I also interseeded with carrots, Danvers 126.

Ever seen rosemary in bloom? It's bloomed the last couple of years, i have no idea why.

Seed saving from last year's Bolivian Rainbow peppers.
I left them on the plant all winter, so they went to seed.
I'll give the seed away or grow more transplants.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Soil morphology

I'm teaching the lab portion for soil morphology this semester. Just got back from the field now.

This is what we call a soil ped. "Ped" is a great scrabble word, btw.

We use peds to describe the soil structure using terms such as "subangular blocky", "granular", etc.

The ped above is weathered parent material, or saprolite, and can be found in the lower soil horizons, which in this case we would probably describe as a BC horizon.

When we go to the field to describe soils, we look at the soil profile. Sometimes the soil horizons are easy to pick out, most of the time they are not. They are difficult to see in this picture. But what you can see is the moisture deficit in the upper 10 inches of soil due to the last three years of drought and the well-drained nature of this soil.

Here are some students coloring a soil ped using a Munsell color chart.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Maxed out on striper today

Went striper fishing with my major professor today. We just maxed out so now we're heading in for a cold one!
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Winter harvest

We harvested 496 lbs of produce from the community garden the other day!
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Monday, February 2, 2009

I've been referenced!

I was surprised to see my name referenced at the poster section during the conference I'm at. It's the first time I've been referenced to my knowledge!
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